I don't have any new pictures, but thought I should update you all on our lives this past month.
Kaylee has learned to do a few signs. I was so proud the first time she said "more"! But then it turned out she said "more" all the time and in the wrong context. So I said, "You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means!". The next word she signed was "dog". Again, I was so proud... until she signed "dog" for deer and horse, and generally any four legged creature. So my confidence in teaching is pretty much shattered. But lately, I think she's starting to get some things figured out. I've been consitent with the signs we use and she now can say "please", "baby" and "eat". She also seems to be using "dog" and "more" in the right context more consistently.
Kaylee can be a real pill sometimes. Yes, grandma, it's true! When she throws a tantrum she stomps her little feet really fast and gets the biggest pout (and cries loudly of course) with those big crocodile tears. It's so adorable - it's so hard not to laugh when she does this! Sometimes I can redirect her pretty quickly but other times she stays upset for quite a long time.
She been more of a challenge with eating as well. I can't hold the spoon for her...no. It might be okay if I help put food on the spoon, but then I had better set it down or hand it to her so that she can turn it upside down before putting it in her mouth.
Jeff got Kaylee to dance the other day. She's not been much of a dancer so far. But she was twisting and clapping her hands to the music. It was very cute!
Kaylee's been getting pretty good at playing with blocks as well. She has some jumbo size lego's that she can stack as well as some wooden blocks.
She's got a book that has M-words. The first word is "Milk", so I say milk and do the sign for milk... but the next picture is monkey, and Kaylee really likes that word! So now every time I say "milk", she puts her hands up by her armpits and says "oooh ooh oooh". Funny, funny funny!
That's all the new stuff I can think of for now.
Take care everyone!
24 lazy susan
2 years ago