Just about everyday I think I need to get on here and make an update. Then something happens and I get busy and forgetful. So here it is, March already!
The big news for those of you who don't know - we're expecting another baby in August! My due date is August 6th - three days before Kaylee's birthday! Its so different this time around. Now that I'm into the second trimester and not so sleepy all the time, I tend to forget I'm even pregnant. Then I'll feel a little kick and it always brings a smile to my face. At first I was a little worried about the challenges that having two would bring. But now I'm all - bring it on! I'm so excited to meet this new little one.
So I haven't updated since early December, huh? Well lets see. We had a nice quiet Christmas at home. Kaylee seemed a lot more interested in her actual presents this year than the wrapping paper! :) I can't believe it, but I didn't take any pictures around Christmas at all! Jeff had made a dvd of all our video and so I guess I was in the mindset of taking video instead of pictures.
One very memorable thing that happened recently was on Feb. 1st. That evening Kaylee had gotten a hold of the phone and was punching numbers on it. I never worried about it because I figured the worst thing that could happen was that she'd dial 911 - but the chances were so incredible that it just wouldn't happen! Well...Kaylee seems to be able to beat any odds. Yep, she called 911. I noticed she had dialed something - but usually it ends up being an "unable to connect as dialed" - so I just hit the "off" button. A few seconds later 911 called saying they had a hang up call from our number. Fortunately the police didn't get dispatched and nothing came of it. But we calculated the odds to be 1/234,256. If I were to let Kaylee dial the phone 100 times a day, the odds are she wouldn't dial 911 again for another 6.4 years!
I met a celebrity at Target the next week on a day I could've won the frumpiest mom award! I was so excited to see David Hewlett who plays Rodney McKay on Star Gate Atlantis (I'm a big sci-fi fan). I said hello and asked for his autograph. He was so kind to oblige and not run away from scary mom with unwashed hair and no makeup wearing laundry day clothes! He had his 4 month old son with him so we started talking babies. Kaylee was even kind enough to offer him a cracker, to which he politely refused. Well from that day on, I haven't been frumpy since. I got my hair cut, got some nice clothes, and never leave the house without a shower and some makeup on.
Kaylee has been SO much fun these days. She is starting to talk now. It's fun to hear her try new words and have those little phrases that only I can understand. For a while she decided to start waking up around 4:30-5 a.m. I could never get her back to sleep so I thought I'd check out this thing called mall-walking. It's been nice to have a warm, dry place to walk in the early mornings when there's nothing else to do and nowhere else to go. We're the youngest people there by far, however. Most everyone else looks to be retirement age. As you can imagine, Kaylee is quite a big hit! Since the time change, she's been sleeping in longer. We can still go to the mall to walk in the afternoon, but the weather has also been getting nicer, so we tend to stick around the neighborhood.
Kaylee loves to play in the van. I don't quite get it...but it works out okay for me. I let her play in there while I wash it or sit in the back and read a book. Hey, whatever works! Her favorite toy right now is a ball. She loves balls of all sizes. It's often the first thing she asks for when she gets up in the morning. Its either that or "Wii" - it's so cute when she says Wii.
Yeah, I need to blog more often. There are so many times I would say, "oh, I have to get that in the blog!" but now I can't remember. I'll post some recent pictures and write back when I start remembering stuff.
***well I tried twice now to upload photos, but I keep getting an error and "try back in 30 seconds" message. I'll just post this now and put some pictures on here later.
24 lazy susan
2 years ago