Friday, April 18, 2008

April Showers

Here are some recent pictures of Kaylee. The first two are when we were in Phoenix visiting Jeff's family. The next two are coloring Easter eggs and the last one is Kaylee making her first collage:

Out here in Wa, it seems April showers don't matter so much since we already have flowers. We've had tulips, dafodils, and hyacinths for a while now. I just love those hyacinths. I shouldn't say "We've had", since I have never had the forethought to plant any such bulbs, but rather, "My neighbors have".

I'll try to remember all the many little things Kaylee does that are so cute. Let's see. Last night she chained two words together for the first time. She said "bye-bye daddy" as I was bringing her to her bedroom for night time. This morning she also said "bless you daddy" when he coughed. She says 'bless you' for coughs as well as sneezes. Although it sounds more like "ap-ple", but we know what she means. She also says "do-da" for thank you. Those are the only two strange ones we know of. Most other words are clear enough.

Her favorite craft right now is sticking tissue paper, ribbons, etc. to clear contact paper and making a collage out of it. She also likes to draw with a pen on paper.

Today she did two brand new things. She took her shirt off by herself after much distress - but I could tell she was very proud that she did it by herself. She also, for the first and hopefully last time, decided to shove her hand down the backside of her diaper to verify that indeed she did have a dirty diaper. She seemed pretty fascinated with what came out. YUCK. I picked her up immediately to go wash her hands and she proceeded to wipe her hand on my shirt. Thanks.

Kaylee loves to climb. She can climb up on the chairs now. She also likes to climb up into her stroller when the tray is down. She climbs up and over it. But for some reason, she needs the tray removed so she can get back down. She also likes to climb in and out of cardboard boxes. They're kind of her favorite toy right now. Just plain old cardboard boxes.

One day, seemingly out of the blue, she started saying "Elmo" over and over with a lot of gusto. I don't know where she picked it up from. She had an elmo book and an elmo phone - both of which had long been put away with the other "baby toys". So I was at Target and showed her an elmo doll. It scared her. Then I found an Elmo DVD called "Elmo's Potty Time". I figured that'd be nice since we really want to start her potty training. She loves watching Elmo. It's nice to sit her down and pop it in when I need to start dinner or attend some other involved task.

Kaylee is extremely shy. When someone comes over, even if they have kids with them, she just stands where she is with her head down. We think she feels they won't see her if she doesn't move or something. Eventually she will warm up if the people don't pay too much attention to her. She talks about "bapa" and "mama" all the time (my parents), but when we call them on Skype, she does the same thing. Head down. Then she ignores them until we hang up, then she says "bye bye!" really loudly.

For those of you who actually read this far down I have some news for you. We had another ultrasound done today and were able to find out what we're having. If you don't know already and want to know, email me or something. I won't put it on here for those of you who want to be surprised. It was a great ultrasound though. The baby was very active and we got to see it's cute little bottom. We also got a good look at it's face and saw the baby yawn a couple of times. Seeing that made the reality of this little one all the more clear. I simply can't wait for August to be able to hold this adorable little baby!