Well, my lappy stopped working yesterday. It's on, but the screen is black. It's as if it's locked up - I can't take it off "mute". Anyone have any ideas? It's been a long two days without my lappy. :(
I have some cute pictures, but I use my lappy to download them. So I'll just have to tell you what's been going on.
The kids are into some new things now:
Kaylee was being very motherly to one of her dolls today. She would tuck her in for a nap, turn out the lights, and close the door. After a little while, she got her up and went to go feed her. The slightly disturbing thing about this was that she didn't grab one of the many toy baby bottles we have - she was imitating the way I nurse Hudson. Yeah... I know! After that, she burped her baby and when it was time for dinner, she put her up in the high chair and turned it so she could watch the "fishies" - which is something we often do with Hudson. It was so cute seeing her be all motherly, and the longest amount of time she's done any pretend play.
Hudson is totally into clothing. I don't know if he likes the patterns and textures, or what - but he's always looking at grabbing at my shirt, at my socks, whatever he sees. He also quite compusively shoves his shirt into his mouth every time I go to change his clothes. Today he managed to get a sock off and sucked on that for a long time.
The last few days he started rubbing his feet together. This makes it impossible to keep socks on him so until I can find some good crib shoes for him, he's going bare foot. He just rubs them together all the time - like he's knitting with his feet. I hope this is a normal behavior and not some early sign of autism. Sorry, I'm paranoid.
Hopefully I'll get the computer thing figured out soon so I can post some pictures. I took some great ones today of Kaylee making play dough. She really got into the flour. She'd scoop some up and clap her hands. Flour was everywhere. It was in her hair, her face was white... she needed a bath immediately afterwards. But it was fun and I got some good pictures of it.