It was a long night. Kaylee was up twice. Not sure why. "Kaylee awake", she said...and she was -wide awake. Twice before 2 a.m. I had put her back to bed! Hudson was up another couple of times. Maybe he was waking her... I don't know. All I know is I woke up tired, cranky, and not feeling very well. I told Jeff I'd be lucky to get the kids out of their pajamas today and would probrably let Kaylee watch lots of Monkey Shows while I took it easy on the couch.
During the course of the morning I grabbed some coffee and sat at my laptop. I like to look at random blogs from time to time to see what's going on and important in people's lives out there.
Today I came across a family who has such heartbreaking circumstances happening right now. Their first baby, Gabe, died at 37 weeks (stillborn). I went back to read the few posts before he was born. Read the excitement in her words as she showed off her belly and the new nursery. My heart ached as I knew what was about to befall her in a few short weeks. It occurs to me that this must what God deals with all the time but infinitely more sad, infinitely more... everything. Then I forwarded to the post where she relayed the day she didn't feel movement anymore. They went to the doctor and had an ultrasound. It brought back horrible memories of our own loss. Fast forward to pictures of the funeral. Such a small casket. They shouldn't have to make such things! Then fast forwarded to a post around mother's day. Her raw plea that God would just talk to her - not through the Bible's scriptures or anything - just to talk straight to her, struck me to the bone. I read on in amazement as she told the story of her mother finding a book in a store she'd never normally go, in a place it didn't belong. Opening to a page with a poem written from the perspective of a baby that died very young. Next she flipped to another poem about "Gabriel". Ugh! Tears all over the place!
I follow her blog now: and will add my prayers to all the others in the world concerned for their second son, born just this past February and is diagnosed with a serious skin condition that could threaten his life.
I read what Patrice is going through on a daily basis and compare it to my own day. I've got NOTHING to complain about. I embrace my children and thank God for them - and for their good health.
During this Lenten season, our pastor is giving a series on killing worldliness in our lives. This hits home to me as I've also felt God leading me to tune out all the junk in our world and focus on things that are lasting and really matter. God, family, friends!! What is more important, watching the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica or spending that time interceding for a little baby who's every day is a struggle? Okay, maybe Battlestar isn't a good example for most people. What can I say, I'm a SciFi junky.
I have a list of needs that I am starting to pray over daily in place of my worldly need to watch stupid tv shows during my kids' naptimes. If any of you have needs that you wish to share and have me pray for, email them to me at or if you don't care about privacy, go ahead and leave it as a "comment" at the end of this or any post. If you have an answer to prayer that you want to share, please do that too!