Sorry I haven't update in a while. I took a very impromptu trip to MN with the kids to visit my side of the family. The kids did very well on the flight despite the fact that the battery in the mini DVD player only lasted an hour of the 3 1/2 hour flight!
I relied mostly on my mother's camera while there, so when I get the pictures from her I will be sure to make a post about the trip.
In the meantime I have a few things to record about the kids:
Kaylee has been perfecting her pout. When she's fake-crying about something I can always tell because it goes "whiiiiiiiiiine, sniff sniff". Ever since I started noticing the little "sniff sniff" at the end of whatever she's whining about I've had much easier time dealing with it. I have to hold back a laugh everytime I hear it. It sure helps to keep me positive when otherwise I would be pulling my hair out!
If there was an Olympic sport for trying on different outfits, Kaylee would surely take home the gold. She's been very into dressing herself for a while now. When we returned from our trip to MN she immediately set to work reaquainting herself with all the clothes we left behind in her closet!
Kaylee often asks me whether or not something makes Jesus sad. I guess in the past I tried to tell her about lying, pushing, and other such things can make Jesus sad. Now she asks things like if the water that Hudson spilled makes Jesus sad. I say "Well, no...that was an accident." So she says "It makes Jesus happy?" So in Kaylee's mind it's either one or the other. Apparantly, Jesus is not ambivalent about spilled water!
Hudson has been such a cutie lately. He's learning some signs and also speaking some new words. He can sign "milk", "bath", "more", and "please" and he says "nana" (banana), "peas" (please), "no", "up", "mama", "daddy", and "yeah".
He reminds me of Linus the way he likes to carry his blankie around. He mashes it in his hands, while it drags between his legs as he walks. Other times it goes around his neck. Still other times he tries draping it over his head. It's fun to watch him run around and bump into things! But it always must come with him when he gets up from bed. A simple man with simple needs - gotta love it!
Hudson has been gearing up for his terrible two's - which for Kaylee as well as it seems Hudson, seems to come early! He has been seen stomping his little feet here and there. Kaylee did that too and I can't help but think it's the cutest thing! Hudson's trademark move however is to sit down and throw himself backwards wherever he happens to be. Quite often he knocks his head on something. If I'm nearby I like to help slow his dissent and I don't know, but I'm sure he appreciates it. Last night Hudson was saying "up" to me and I was trying to train him to say "please, up". I think it upset him. Although he didn't cry, he immediately sat down and very, very slowly laid down, with a very serious expression the whole time. That got a good laugh out of me, but he didn't see the humor in it.
24 lazy susan
2 years ago