Saturday, July 30, 2011

Shave and a Haircut

Check it out, the reverse mohawk is back in style. Hudson is all over this! He found the clippers I had absent mindedly left on the desk, which I thought was completely out of juice, but apparantly had enough to do this!
Yes, that's a 1/8th inch shave, people!

I lost the charging cord for the clippers and had just ordered a replacement. I hope the UPS man brings it soon. In the meantime I decided I like it. It makes me laugh and I hope it makes other people smile.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Things Kids Say

We all know how kids say the strangest things. Well, Kaylee is being adorable by drawing a picture of heaven "to give to Jesus and God". Then she says she's going to die like this (open arms & eyes closed) so she can give it to them. This makes me choke! I suggested maybe we MAIL the picture to them instead. So as she's putting the picture in an envelope she says to me "This is much better!"