Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hudson's Baptism

It was an interesting day at church today. When we walked in the door we found out there were two other babies being baptised, so that meant that Jeff's dad (who was going to be baptising Hudson) would have to change everything he planned to say and sort of "wing it" instead. He did a great job and everything went without a hitch. Well except that Hudson got upset and thought he needed to breastfeed as we were standing up in front of the congregation! Oh and Kaylee kept insisting that she wanted "down" so she could play up there. But Phil (Jeff's dad) said some wonderful things about Hudson's great grandpa James - because that's who we named Hudson's middle name after - Hudson James. Great Grandpa K loved the church, loved theology, and he loved the Lord. He did a wonderful job of passing along God's truths and love to his children and he charged us to honor him in doing the same.

Here are some pictures taken just after the service...

It seems like only a few months ago we baptised Kaylee. Now look how big she is!

Time really does fly!

Hudson's great grandma (Jeff's grandma) made this blanket for him.

I wish my parents could have been here, and the rest of our families as well. But hopefully you'll enjoy sharing the day with us via this blog. Now if only I could share the wonderful lasagna dinner we had afterward! Hmmm...

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