Hudson loves to open and close things: drawers, doors... anything that can pinch his fingers. He seems to have good depth perception and doesn't try to crawl out onto the deck when SOMEONE leaves the sliding door open (Kaylee!).
He likes to mimic my facial expressions and if somebody coughs, he copies it. It always takes me a while to figure out who is really coughing and who is faking. Now that Kaylee knows Hudson will copy her, I think most often they're both faking!
Hudson is still a sweetie pie, but has been more fussy and clingy lately. I think it's probrably teething. He's always sucking on his hands. He also loves food. He wants anything and everything we're having, and he's pretty good at asserting himself! He gets the biggest laughs when he takes the bowl and shoves his face into it.
G&G K were here for a week or so. The kids really took to them.
Kaylee cracks me up on a daily basis.
I recently had to go in and give her bangs a trim. I wanted to let them go naturally, but she'd never let me clip her hair. Or if she did, it wouldn't stay in long before she'd pull them out. I got tired of her looking down her nose at me because of the hair in her eyes.
Kaylee surprised me the other day with drawing faces for the first time. I think that's some sort of developmental stage. She also recognizes letters in some of her scribbles. The other day she showed me a "C" she had drawn. I don't think she intended to, but it was neat that she saw it afterward.
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