Friday, September 10, 2010

City Bus Adventure

When we're driving around town, my kids LOVE to look for busses. City busses, school busses, big busses, and little busses. For a long time I contemplated going on a bus ride field trip. Finally I just decided to go for it.
Step one. Gotta look cool.
Step 2. Make sure you have the right amount of change for the bus fare.
Step 3. Know the route, the schedule, and have a plan.
This is the bus we were GOING to ride until I realized I needed fare for the return trips. So I had to herd everyone back to the car to steal some change from my daughter's piggy bank. Really...I did that. I'm not ashamed. I figure she owes me.

So we had a great time waiting for the NEXT bus to arrive a half hour later.
We rode the bus to a park and had a wonderful afternoon of swings, slides, and throwing rocks into water. Then we rode the bus back to the station and went out for some Mc Donalds. Pretty fun adventure.

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