Friday, July 24, 2009

A Purply Day

The other day I decided to do some crafts with the kids. I read about this idea for little ones: Use corn syrup and food coloring on their high chair tray. They can swirl it around and mix the colors. I just happened to put red and blue on there.
Hudson was loving it.
The best part is that it doesn't matter if it gets into their mouth. It's yummy sweet! The only bad part... clean up.Kaylee and I made some play dough. I let her choose which colors she wanted to add. Strangely enough, she also chose red and blue. She's getting to an age where she can start to see and understand that mixing colors sometimes makes a new color.
Here we're taking cheerios and stringing them onto spaghetti noodles.

But the best part for Kaylee is playing in the flour. She likes to scoop some up and then clap her hands together. What a mess!

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