Saturday, April 10, 2010

Floating to an Island

HA! Here I am again. Want to say hello to my most devoted fan - Heather - for hanging in there and checking here each and every day that I neglect to add anything new to this blog. And to my sister for her not so subtle hints.

Well here's a trip we took one weekend recently to the lovely San Juan Island called, strangely enough, San Juan. You see me below in a self I talented or what.
We are on the Yakima. Someone tell Hudson that this is a life preserver... not the helm. You're not driving the boat buddy!
Jeff's version of a self portrait... maybe a little better than mine.
The real reason I couldn't do this post for so long. I just couldn't pick a favorite picture of Kaylee. I captured so many great moments. So I'm just going to throw them all on there.

See what I mean? How do you pick just one?!

For Hudson, it's not so difficult. He doesn't sit still for one second to take a picture. Most of the ones I have of him are blurry.

The view from the ferry looking back towards Mt Baker.
This is the place we go to on the south shore of San Juan Island. This beach has the best rocks. You look south towards the Olympic Mountains - all capped in snow. The sun was just too blinding that day, so I took a sidelong shot.A long way to go to throw some rocks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pics!
HOpe you is all doing well.
HEZ and TAZ are both sic back here in good old Minnesota dont ya know.