Saturday, September 27, 2008
Smiley Face
All in all, he's been a pretty good baby. He gets colicky in the evenings, but tummy time seems to help with that. He seems to choke and spit up a lot. I'll have to ask the doctor about that at his next appointment. But the most special thing about him is that he smiles a lot.
It's so easy to make him smile. I just love that about him. You have to catch him though after a nap and a full tummy - then you don't have to do much, just look at him, and he gives the biggest grins. His smiles are infectious. His eyes squint and his smile goes off to one side, kinda like he knows something you don't. Or that you just told him the most hilarious joke. I've never known a baby to smile so much and so easily as Hudson.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Few Days in the Life
I don't think it comes across in this photo, but Hudson has some very deep blue eyes. I can't get enough of them!
I found this shirt at a garage sale. Isn't it great?
Wow - look at that hair all backlit by the sun! Uff da! Doesn't your mom ever brush your hair??!
I just thought this was so cute...
Look at that - the world is tilted!
So these are the last of my pictures. While I was sitting at this beach, holding Hudson in the carrier, he suddenly jumped and the camera fell out of my hand. Sand got into the door that opens the shutter and now we can't get it to open. SO... no more pictures for a while! Oh that makes me so sad!!
I just have to add that Kaylee has a new phrase which is so cute... "Oh nice!" except she draws out the "nice" - kinda like "noice". It's so funny to me.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Art Class
Of course Kaylee had to taste it. YUM...bubbles!
Hudson was just hanging out enjoying the nice weather.
Here's Ailin. She loves Kaylee! Lately she's been referring to her as "my Kaylee". Kaylee doesn't seem too sure about that. :)
Ailin's mom keeps a blog and has more pictures on her site: