Thursday, April 14, 2011

Andrea Ruth

Okay, I can't believe it's taken me this long. Sorry everyone. Well here's the story of little Andrea Ruth:

We had an induction scheduled for January 13th, but on Wednesday morning (the 12th) we got a call from the hospital asking if we'd like to come in that day instead. Apparently, they didn't have anything going on and we getting quite bored. :) So Jeff got his wish in that I called him home from work saying, "time to have a baby!".
We got to the hospital and settled in. After three or four hours they got contractions started. Grandma brought Hudson and Kaylee over for a visit. They had to wear special braclets

Then the contractions got really bad:
Just kidding!

Well Grandma informed me that my Grandpa Lange was born on January 12th, so I started hoping that I would have Andrea before midnight. Long story short, I got that wish! As happened with Hudson, things kinda puttered along all day, then towards the end got fast and furious. She kinda just started coming out without any pushing. One push and she was out. :)

Jeff had a hard time leaving the hospital with the kids... but it wasn't because he missed me :)

Andrea was born January 12th, 2011 at 11:45 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds, 6 oz and was 21 inches long.

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