I've been wanting to blog a lot more often, but life is just chaotic right now. I wish I could be the type of person who can just "embrace the chaos", but as much as I try, I simply can't let certain things go.
I can't stand clutter, and messes, and toys all around. I like a neat and organized house. I don't have one, I just like one!
Our kids' doctor says that there's a different kind of mathematics when it comes to children. He says one plus one equals three. I think that's because the older one will cause twice the hassle as the younger one.
Hudson has been a dream baby. He's really pretty easy - during the day anyway. Nightime is a whole other story, but that's all normal. Kaylee was really difficult the first couple of weeks. Anything she didn't like to do before she threw the biggest tantrums over that I've ever seen. I practically had to put a priest on speed dial in case we needed to do an excorcism! Thankfully she's gotten a lot better. We still have occasional tantrums, but nothing so extreme.
I know, it's hard to imagine when you look at that sweet face:
But God blesses me with little moments of refreshment. This was a pretty sight for sore, tired, sleepless eyes. I sat on the couch one morning, feeding Hudson, watching Kaylee play, latte in hand, and this beautiful sight out the window. By the time I got my camera and got outside to snap a picture, it was mostly gone. And you can't really capture the beauty on film... or I should say on disc. We don't really have that great of a camera.
I used to think we did, until I started reading from this website called Confessions of a Pioneer Woman (there's a link to her site on the left side of the page). This lady has a really nice digital SLR camera - one you can adjust the focal length and aperture in order to make some really nice shots. Of course she also uses Photoshop to spruce them up a bit. But over the last month or so, I've come to really dislike our camera and start drooling over this Nikon camera the Pioneer woman has. I was really into photography when I was in high school. My parents got me a really nice camera when I graduated. I love that camera, even though I haven't used it in years. I think it'd be a great hobby to get back into, especially now with kids. I'd love to have wonderful pictures all over this house and also make some really great scrapbooks.
So...um... is my husband reading this?? Here's a big hint: Nikon D80!! Here's another one (since my birthday is so close to Christmas): Photoshop!! I'm kind of an expensive date, aren't I?
Look at this gorgeous picture of Mt Shuksan:
My mom took that picture with her point and shoot camera. It helps to have gorgeous scenery nearby!
Well, I ran out of pictures. I'm going to stop here and start a new blog. I got a few things to say about Kaylee before I completely forget...
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