Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Cleanup

We're having a nice sunny Saturday out here in WA state. Every year Kaylee likes to help me rake up the leaves. Traditionally, we get a wind storm the night after so the next day we can pretend all that hard work never happened! Our neighbors have come to use us as a weather indicator.

Kaylee's strategy is to scatter all the leaves I painstakingly gathered into piles.
I wondered if Hudson would help out. He usually likes helping me, but today he was too busy to even stop for a picture. This is typical Hudson when he gets outdoors. He's just go, go, go!
Thanks for getting that one leaf!
Cute, huh?
Then we decided to plant some bulbs for next spring. Every year I plan to do it. This was the first time I actually did (Yeah, for me!) Notice Kaylee has a new leaf in her hair!
Lets hope they grow well. I just LOVE hyacinths!
We also planted tulips, daffodils and crocuses... crocai??
And here's a treat... my little man stopped for just moment to wish you all a happy fall! (sorry, I just feel like rhyming today)
His collars go up on their own. He's just that cool!

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