Sunday, January 25, 2009


Kaylee is a pretty good talker. Everyday she surprises me with a thoughtful phrase or question. But she still has a few words that aren't pronounced correctly, so it took some time to figure out what they were. I just want to record them so that someday I can look back and remember...

Maka - means "Grandma"

Bapa - "Grandpa"

Myce - (like mice except with a "my" sound at the beginning) means "me" or "mine"

Sark - (no, not the Alias character) means "look"

Fire - "pacifier"

Swing, slide, park - "playground"

and of course, pancakes is still "can-cakes" - I hope she never grows out of that one!

She is also very expressive with her hands. She uses a lot of arm and hand gestures when talking. I can't begin to describe how adorable it is when she's emphasising a point with her cute little voice, nodding of her head, and waving of her arms (usually palms up or else pointing somewhere). As one of her favorite saying goes, "isso funny!"

It won't be long and I'll be writing about Hudson's words. He seems like he just wants to talk so badly. He makes all sorts of sounds moving his lips and tongue around, and that look on his face - like he has something very important to say. It kind of makes me wonder if there's something he knows that I don't!

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