Saturday, February 14, 2009

What I Love About Hudson

I love the way he take a few moments to figure out who he's looking at and then finally bursts into a big smile.

I love the way he's so proud when he stands on his feet. He holds his head up, his back is arched, his stance is so wide. Such a strong, proud bearing!

I love how he looks all around in complete delight at the new perspective he has on everything.

I love to see the wonder in his eyes when he discovers the simplest things... the cold feel of glass when looking out the window, crinkly paper, fish in the fish tank.

I love how he seems to love the tank in his room the best. He lights up and laughs after looking at it for a few seconds.

I love the way his whole body convulses in a moment of joy and glee upon discovering these simple things or seeing someone he loves. His legs kick, his arms flare out, and his back arches all in a moment.

I love how he sits with his back arched and his arms held almost backwards. He's learned to use them to break his fall if he tips over.

I love how he gets when he's tired. He starts cooing and laughing at any silly thing I do.

I love how he takes a toy from me. It takes a moment to first notice it in front of him. Then his left arm comes swooping around from behind in a long slow arc and gently grabs hold while his other hand comes to meet it. I just love the left arm arc!

I love watching him interact with his sister. He's all smiles for her. Especially when she's just up from a nap and not too happy. Hudson can usually bring her around with just one of his big smiles and laughs that he gives her.

I love the quiet moments when he's done nursing and looks up at me. His eyes go wide, his smile does too, and then he talks to me in that soft, sweet voice of his. It's our special time to share secrets.

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