Friday, November 28, 2008

Hudson Loves...

Want to get to know the little one a little better? Here's a list of his favorite things in no particular order:

10. Football - we found that out yesterday (Thanksgiving) when Dallas creamed the Seahawks. Maybe Hudson is a Cowboys fan.

9. To be bounced in his crib - such a springy mattress - it always gets a good laugh even when he's really tired.

8. Tickles on his chin (that's one of my favorite spots).

7. Kisses on his cheek (my VERY favorite spot - oh, those cheeks!!)

6. Playing in his exersaucer. He's starting to spend more and more time there.

5. Books. He gets so excited when we look at books. He grabs for the pictures, he stomps his feet, he tries to eat them up!

4. His big sister. Instead of flinching anytime she comes near, he's now more apt to look up and smile at her. (Kaylee's learning how to be more gentle with him)

3. Me - of course. I'm his bread and butter (and he's quite a little butter ball!)

2. His Daddy. He lights up like a Christmas tree when he sees his Daddy. It's so fun to watch.

1. Fish. I think he could sit all day and watch the fish in the fish tank. They really seem to calm and soothe him.

Again, I didn't put these in any particular order. I'm not saying he loves fish more than Daddy and Daddy more than me. I think we all know that I'm his favorite! ;)

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