Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kaylee Update

I thought I'd take a rare afternoon when both kids are napping (yea!!!) to update this blog and write down what our kids are up to these days.

Kaylee is acting so much more grown up in the last week or so. I've been able to trust her a lot more around Hudson. She is still pretty wild, but she seems more aware of where he's at and is careful to keep her distance. She's also better at being gentle with him.

Whenever we get out an old baby toy or baby gear, Kaylee has to have it. Now Kaylee likes to eat in her old highchair again. She also likes to wear this hat of her brothers. Technically, Grandma L made it for her when she was a baby...she's just not a baby anymore!
Kaylee has not been sleeping well since the time change. It used to be that "Fall back" was my FAVORITE day of the year. I loved to get an extra hour of sleep! Now it just means my kids wake an hour early. I hope Spring forward will be just the opposite and it will seem that they're sleeping in an extra hour...even though we just turn the clocks forward.

She's been waking at 4:30 a.m. for the last three mornings. Last night she was up around 2 a.m. along with her brother. I finally got them both to bed by 3:30 and she was up again at 5:30, then 6:30!

It's a good thing she's so dang cute:

Kaylee likes to help with whatever I'm doing. She wants to help vacuum and dust. She also likes to rake leaves BACK onto the walkway I just cleared!

I'm lucky to catch Kaylee with any clothes on at all. She is able to undress now and she (like any other kid) prefers to be naked. I can't wait until she learns to put her own clothes on!

Kaylee is starting to get into the asking questions phase. Her favorite questions that she asks over and over and over and over are: "What doin?", "What's this?", "What happen?", and "Huh?" (that one drives me crazy the most cause she KNOWS what I'm saying - the other day I tried to see how long she would go with me giving the same answer over and over everytime she asked. I think it only lasted a minute, but that was a long minute!)
But on the brighter side, I'm starting to see a little empathy dawning in her little self. When I cough or if I say "ouch" she'll sometimes ask me if I'm okay. One time she actually said she was sorry when she did something that made me say ouch. Yeah!!
Ya gotta hold onto those little victories! :)

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