Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I've discovered Kaylee really loves flowers. Whenever Mom gets flowers, she's all over 'em! I think maybe Daddy needs to get his little girl flowers every now and then too! I'd love to see how excited she gets if she got flowers of her very own!

Hudson is such a good sport. He lets Kaylee push him all over the house.

That Hudson sure is an easy baby. Yesterday I told him it was a good thing he wasn't my first baby, because then I'd be a very spoiled mom. He just smiles all the time. He's so happy, it just warms my heart. When he fusses he just sputters a bit and turns his head to the side. Then I know he's tired and he'll go right down to sleep in his crib. The best is getting him to laugh while he's crying. He has this half laugh, half cry thing. Funny!

Jeff has already begun indoctrinating Hudson to be a Browncoat. Those of you who are Firefly fans will understand when you look at the picture above. Those of you who aren't firefly fans...well, just watch it, you'll love it.

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