Monday, December 22, 2008

It's Good to be Home (part 1)

This morning I am so thankful to be safe and sound at home, and I pray for all those people who are still stuck at the airport.

The day started out pretty normal. We had brunch at Grandpa and Grandma's house. It had snowed the night before, but the plows were out and it was no big deal. We got to the airport in plenty of time and found an unbelievably short security line.

We got to our gate with plenty of time to change diapers and play around before boarding the plane. Soon they announced that we would be delayed in boarding because two of the flight crew were in other planes waiting to deboard. We finally boarded about a half hour late, then sat on the plane for another hour waiting for the luggage to finish loading. We had a packed plane. Apparantly we were the last flight allowed to go to Seattle that day. The Portland airport had shut down, so many travelers were wanting to make our flight to Seattle instead.

Finally, after a few hours we were able to take off. The flight went very well and was uneventful. Kaylee was tired and had trouble getting to sleep, but didn't make a loud fuss. Hudson slept pretty much the whole time and was a joy when he woke up before landing. Neither of them seemed bothered by the changes in pressure.

The real trouble began as we got into Seattle...


Anonymous said...

Well, sure sounds like your fun just kept on getting more and more fun! Wow, so when is your next trip? I bet you just want to go some where really bad! We received another 2 inches of snow this morning, the commute to work was already a bear at 5am. To many people on the road already, way more then the "normal" group of people that in there commute at that time. We miss you guys already, and I would even say I would not mind getting schooled again in HandnFoot, Squence, Phase Ten, and Spades. It's a good thing I did not play bingo I would still be waiting for that winning number to be called by the Taz Girl. Well I best get to work, hope things are getting back to normal for all of you. How did the fish fair over the week?
Take care
Merry Cristmas to you all
Timmy Tweeks Frackie

Krista said...

Tom - We had one casualty. The algae eater in our goldfish tank didn't make it. The water was at 45 degrees when we got home. You think that had anything to do with it???

Thanks again for your fantastic feasts! We always look forward to hanging out while you cook. Everytime I say "I'm just going to have a little bit", but it's so good, I find myself going back for thirds!

Have a Merry Christmas!