Monday, April 13, 2009

A Nice Change

Do you know where this is?
Well if you've ever been out to visit us, we've probrably taken you here.

To Larabee.

So here's the scoop. In total answer to prayer, Jeff's hours are scaled back to four 10 hour days, giving him three days off IN A ROW! Now we get to enjoy a lot more family time. On this lovely sunny spring day, we took the kids down to Larabee park where we got to throw rocks in the water and play in the playground...and I got to take LOTS of pictures!

Hiker Kaylee and her signature smile:

Paradise for a "throwing rocks" lover like Kaylee:

A rare moment when I wasn't the one behind the camera:

The sculpted rock makes a great backdrop:

I love this one - currently it's the background for my computer (notice she has "the smile" pose going again):

He's not too sure about all this:

The tunnel that goes under the railway:

Kaylee got more drum practice in today. The playground there has bells and drums and an abundance of sticks on the ground!

Go Jeff!

It won't be long and Hudson will be running along right after his big sister!

The end.

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