Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another First (for Me Anyway)

I always wonder if and what Kaylee dreams about. I wonder if she remembers them or realizes that she has them. I ask her if she sees "shows" when she sleeps, but I don't think she understands what I mean when I ask her, because she runs to the TV asking for "mokey show".

This morning, however, I think I had my first bit of evidence that she does dream...

She was a little disoriented coming out of her room. I was already up so I was able to be there right away. She kept asking me where the house is: "House...where is it?" The concern was so evident in her voice that I just said, "Come give me a hug and we'll go look for it." She asked me another 5 or so times, then she said something about "maka's cookies". I asked her if grandma had made her cookies and she said yes. So I think perhaps she was dreaming at being at her grandma's house and grandma had made her cookies. Sounds like a very nice dream to me! No wonder she was so upset when she woke up and couldn't find her "maka's" house or those yummy cookies!

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