Friday, March 20, 2009

Our Kokamamie Kaylee

Kaylee was a shy baby, but she's really been coming out of her shell lately. She's still wary of others, but she will let others help her with her shoes and stuff like that. She is starting to have friends and look forward to playing with them. I think one of Kaylee's biggests gifts so far is her gift of encouragement. We see it in her as she is so quick to cheer us on when we accomplish something, or giving us compliments. Examples - when we get home from church and dad is driving, as soon as he pulls into the garage and shuts off the car Kaylee will say "Yeah Mommy!". Yep, I get the credit. Most times it's when we're playing a game on the Wii. Kaylee is always cheering us on and congratulating us when we do well. An example of a compliment would be Kaylee telling Mommy that my hair is so pretty - whenever I wash it and leave it to dry. I guess wet hair is pretty. Quite often when I dress, she'll look at my shirt and say "it's really nice!"

Kaylee has friends. She plays with her friend Matthew at least once a week. They get along pretty well and she looks forward to seeing him. This morning Kaylee was saying something about having a "best friend". I'm not sure where she got the concept of "best" from, but that's what she was saying. We asked her who her best friend is and she declared "KAYLEE!"

Everyday she does so many things that are so cute, adorable and funny - I wish I could remember them all. Sometimes I'm lucky to write it down before I forget. I've got a list here, so I'll just go through it:

Kaylee's favorite movie now is WALL-E. I'm ashamed to admit that I let her watch more than she ought, but now it's really cute when the movie starts and she sings along to the opening song. "Out there..." I don't know the name of the song, or the musical it's from. But Kaylee seems to know most of the words and then fills in the ones she doesn't with words of her own. It's so fun to hear her sing it.

When I put Hudson down for a nap, she waits at the door then shushes me and pushes me out so she can close the door.

She always says "Me" when refering to herself, instead of "I". "My awake" I hope this is a normal part of speech development and nothing to worry about.

She thinks it's funny to lick us. She loves it when we duck away and say "gross!". So the other day I stuck out my tongue and licked her back. She didn't like it either - she said "gross, mommy!" It was fun.

This morning she wanted cake for breakfast. (she takes after me)

When I read the book "Snuggle Puppy" she howls out "OOOOOOOO". Struck me as adorable. Those of you who know the book know what I'm talking about.

Well that's my list.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is catch up day again for Gma in MN. I love to read the latest postings and read your news from the world of Kaylee and Hudson. Thanks so much for letting us have a peek from a distance. Great photos too! Love you all!