Saturday, March 28, 2009

Baby Lessons

Hudson is getting to that age where he realizes that Mommy is separate from him. He's got separation anxiety now. I secretly love it. Jeff will be playing with him and everything is fine, and then Hudson will catch a slight glimpse of me in another room and suddenly he's crying like there's no tomorrow! Be still my heart!

When I come and pick him up he settles right down.

I often wonder what it's like to be a baby, held in his mother's arms, calmly looking at the world about him in total peace and assurance, knowing nothing bad can happen because he's in mommy's arms. How wonderful it must be to be held - so close, so warm, so strong, so comfortable.

There have been times in my life when I know I've been "carried". When strength of spirit, but not of my own, courses through me. When I have sudden and total trust in God, again, not my own, but a gift. I've also felt that strength leave me - physically felt it leave - when I no longer had need of it. There are other times when I've been sad and felt myself curled up in the palm of God's hand.

I don't know what my lesson is here. I just like to think of being held by our heavenly Father much as I hold Hudson. I like to see how content he is... how brave and fearless he is. I know God carries me - and not just through tough times - sometimes just because. I just need to slow down and feel it... know it... the reality of God's nearness and the safety and comfort of His arms.

So I guess it's not a lesson, just a thought for the day I wanted to share.

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