Monday, March 23, 2009

A Day to Create

It's been a busy day for Kaylee. All morning long she's been buzzing around the house on her tricycle. She's finally learned to push on the pedals instead of pushing on the floor. We're very proud of her (and she's pretty proud too!).Then she decided she'd like to paint. I usually distract her at times like that because it takes some time to get it all set up and she usually only paints for a couple minutes before she's onto the next thing. Then there's trying to keep an eye on her weilding a very wet paint brush and keeping Hudson entertained at the same time. Then all the clean up! But it's been a while, so I indulged her. She impressed me today - painted for over a half hour.

After a few paintings, she ran and got some balls to try a special painting technique. She dips the balls in paint and rolls them around in a box. It makes some neat prints.

Finally, she decided to give herself some red highlights. Aren't they nice?

We got this set through Jeff's "points" - a type of spiff. We thought it'd be fun for the kids to play on this while Jeff was out in the garage working on a project. For now, it's inside. Kaylee discovered that the bolts will screw down into the table. I showed her how to switch the drill from "righty tighty" to "lefty loosey". She spent quite a while this morning drilling them down and then backing them back up. Daddy will be so proud!
Next Kaylee ran into the kitchen and asked me to help her open a certain cupboard door. She took out her baking set that she got for Christmas. I had forgotten that it was in there, but she apparantly didn't! She asked to make cookies and it didn't take too much arm pulling to agree.
What's this? Chocolate on her face? How could that be?
Oh - sneeky! (Just like her mom!)

Those highlights go well with your apron, Kaylee!

mmmmmm... cookies!
It's nice that this pan is small. That way I can just make a couple of cookies and she doesn't know that there are lots more. Otherwise, she'd keep asking and asking and asking for more.

They turned out pretty good!

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