Monday, March 2, 2009

More "Kaylee-isms"

  1. Kaylee has taken to praying for her good friend Wall-E. She also remembers Mo and Eve. She really loves that movie Wall-e!

  2. She likes to sit and type on the keyboard. She's learned that the keys have letters on them and when she pushes it, it shows up on the screen (if I have Word open).

  3. The other day I burped (quietly of course and I said excuse me). Kaylee said "Gross!" It was cute!

  4. In an effort to make her more aware of her feelings of having to "go", I often ask her if she needs to go potty. Often she tells me "in 10 minutes".

  5. Right now as I'm typing this, Hudson is laying on my bed and Kaylee is reading books to him. :)

  6. Kaylee has a new dance style. Those of you who get our yearly DVD will get to see. I sing her a song and she walks in a big circle with her elbows up and out at shoulder level with her hands in fists. Hard to describe, and hard to imagine how she came up with this strange dance move.

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